By Kevin Engbers, CFP® Founder, Wealth Advisor
For my last milestone birthday, I received a great gift from my children. Every Monday for one year, I received an email with one question my children wanted me to answer. Very quickly it became a reminder of just how fast a week would pass; at times, I would have to write two or three after falling behind.
During the weekends, I found myself anticipating Monday’s question. The questions ranged in topics from childhood memories to my first car to my favorite vacation to the people who challenged or inspired me.
I look forward to the hardbound copy where all of the questions and answers will be reunited for reading, review and reflection. Over time, I realized how beneficial this process was.
It forced me to stop and reflect. However, there was another unexpected side benefit.
When the final question arrived, I found myself wrestling with the disappointment that this was the end. Although it was just as impactful as the others, I had a hard time focusing on the answer.
All of the previous questions conjured up a memory or person in my life who was extremely important to me. It was unexpected, but my children walked me through my life in order to reflect on True Wealth.
We often define True Wealth as everything a person might have that money can’t buy and death is unable to take away. But when the last question arrived, I couldn’t help but focus on the greatest question never asked.
It’s a question that everyone should ask themselves. Would I be the answer to someone else’s question?
If anyone in my family were to go through the same list of questions I did, would I be the inspirational person in their life? A person who had a meaningful impact in their life?
Would they include me in their answer?
If I’m pursuing a life of True Wealth, the answer should be a resounding “yes.”
I’m fortunate to have the time and opportunity to focus on those people most important to me. I’m thankful for the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of so many I’ve encountered.
In the current environment, the challenges of connecting and impacting others are elevated. They require a re-energized effort.
Recently, I was asked what I most miss in this current culture. The answer was easy – I miss smiles.
The emotionless face of friends and strangers appear strained and drained behind a mask. I notice less eye contact and an increasing need to find ways to connect.
So, this is my challenge to you: Slow down and take the time to focus.
Find ways to re-engage with the people most important to you and strive to make a positive impact in their lives. Because the experiences you share with them are something money can’t buy and death can’t take away.
That’s True Wealth.