Responsible Stewardship: Using the Bible as A Guide

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Pinnacle Wealth advisors are experiencing a growing demand for financial plans that better match individuals’ beliefs and align to their spiritual journey. For many, that means a plan reflecting their Christian faith.

“I would say most of our clients where we incorporate faith with finances have a much higher satisfaction in their plan, in their life, and in our service,” said Pinnacle Wealth’s Ryan Ovenden, CFP®, CKA®, Wealth Advisor.

With more than 16 years experience in financial planning, Ovenden recently completed an 18-month course to become a Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA), along with Nik Aamlid, CFP®, CAP®, CKA®, Wealth Advisor. The program trains advisors to incorporate Biblical principles in their financial planning work. Ovenden is thrilled to share the perspective for which he’s completely committed.

“The biggest difference between a Certified Kingdom Advisor® and any other financial advisor is going to be in the results you get from your plan,” Ovenden concluded. “If you want your plan to lean toward financial confidence and impact others, a CKA® is trained to help you to get there.”

“I’m passionate about being able to marry people’s faith with their finances.”

A Paradigm Shift

Ovenden learned that the Bible offers great practical advice on creating a spending plan, paying down debt, saving for the future, and passing assets to the next generation.

“Psalm 24:1 is my favorite financial verse,” said Ovenden. “It says, ‘the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who dwell in it.’”

“So God has given us everything that we have; money, time and talents.” He continued, “If we trace everything back to the source, it all goes back to the God who created and sustains the entire universe. That’s what we believe as Kingdom Advisors, that God owns it all.”

Ovenden acknowledges this is a paradigm shift for many people, as it was for him when he was first introduced to the concept.

“Most of us think our money is ours, and we don’t think about God being the owner and giver of all good things. So when we make a financial decision, most of us ask ourselves ‘What do I want to do with my stuff?’

But according to Ovenden, a steward who understands Psalm 24:1 asks a different question.

“A responsible steward asks, ‘What does God want me to do with His stuff?’”

“And so that is the progression, and perhaps the sanctification process of understanding that all of our assets are God’s. How can I then use everything for His Glory?”

Read Your Bible

Certified Kingdom Advisors® believe spending decisions are spiritual decisions, rooted in Biblical teachings and values. Ovenden points to specific verses for additional financial lessons:

On Debt – Proverbs 22:7

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

“Whenever we borrow money, we make ourselves slaves to whomever we borrow from, be that a bank or individual or credit card company,” said Ovenden. “And you don’t want to be a slave. The whole idea of retirement is freedom. We want to put together a financial plan that leads you to freedom. So avoiding debt and getting rid of debt is advice straight from the Bible.”

On Wealth Savings and Distribution – Matthew 6:19-21

Don’t store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart.

“Our hearts tend to follow our treasure,” explained Ovenden. “If you store up too much in your savings account, that becomes your treasure and you’re then only thinking about
yourself. So be careful how much you store and where you store it. That’s the purpose of financial planning. Let’s figure out what your endgame is. How much is enough?”

Ovenden continued, “God doesn’t need our money, but He wants our hearts. When we spend money only on ourselves, our focus will continue to be on ourselves. When we spend money on taking care of others, our hearts and thoughts will become more and more like His. We will begin to have a passion in our hearts for all the things He loves and cares about.”

Plan With a Higher Purpose

A responsible steward of wealth will save enough to achieve freedom in retirement, while also being able to give and make a positive impact on the world around them.

As a newly Certified Kingdom Advisor®, Ovenden hopes to get the message out more broadly about the merits of values-based financial planning he and fellow CKA®s at Pinnacle Wealth® can offer.

“The Certified Kingdom Advisor®’s certification gives us more tools to help people in a deeper way than just on the financial side,” concluded Ovenden. “Your value is not determined by your 401k statement or net worth. Consider partnering with an advisor who thinks of you as an infinitely valuable child of God, and has the technical expertise to guide you on your stewardship journey.”

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