
Facts Vs Feelings Take 5 – The Fed Cuts Big

The Fed finally made a rate cut, and this one was big. Is this going to be a positive thing for the stock market? Carson Group’s Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick and VP, Global Macro Strategist Sonu Varghese share their insights about what happened and what could be next for investors a …

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Year-End Giving in a 2020 World

Giving is a decision that is often made for more than a planning purpose, but here are a few technical items to focus on at the end of 2020 if you find yourself in a position to make a difference in that capacity.

Market Commentary: Retail Sales Spike, but Unemployment Claims Still on Rise

Retail sales rebounded as U.S. consumers continued to put salaries and money left over from the CARES Act into the economy. Retail and food service sales surged 1.9%, more than doubling expectations of 0.8%. The gains raised overall retail sales 5.4% above year-ago levels as consumers make …

How the 2020 Election Could Impact the Markets and Your Financial Plan

Every election season, political emotions run high. Candidates tell us that this is the most important election in our lifetimes. Advertisements vilifying the opposing candidate seem to never end. Political chatter on social media picks up. Through it all, it can be hard to keep our emotion …

Planning for Harvest Begins Now

If you live in the upper Midwest, no doubt, it is beginning to look and feel like Fall. The fields are ripe; ready for harvest. As I drive around and see all the combines at work, I can’t help but see the correlation between a farmer’s harvest and the financial world.

Estate Planning in 2020

Our host Jamie Hopkins is the Director of Retirement Research at Carson and a nationally-recognized voice on retirement and estate planning.

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