
Facts Vs Feelings Take 5 – The Fed Cuts Big

The Fed finally made a rate cut, and this one was big. Is this going to be a positive thing for the stock market? Carson Group’s Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick and VP, Global Macro Strategist Sonu Varghese share their insights about what happened and what could be next for investors a …

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3 Money-Smart Strategies for 529 College Savings Plans

Between squeaky new shoes, fresh pencils, packs of index cards, trendy new backpacks and other learning supplies, back-to-school shopping in the U.S. is expected to exceed $27 billion this year – about $510 per household. That’s a lot of Trapper Keepers.

How a 529 College Savings Plan Can Help Make Summer Dreams a Reality

I have always loved the feeling of summer. Once Memorial Day celebrations kick off, the atmosphere seems to relax. Sunshine, water and sunscreen seem to be everyone’s focus. Long, warm nights are filled with the sounds of lawn mowers and children laughing.

Retiring Abroad (More Practical Than You Think)

What do you think about when someone mentions the Cayman Islands? Do you think of the pristine white sandy beaches? The clear blue water? Fresh seafood? Snorkeling? While these may be on the top of most people’s mind, some may even consider it a great place to retire. 

7 Smart Money Moves You Can Make Today

Life is treating you well. Success shows in your promotions at work. The kids graduated from college, and they are out on their own. The nest is empty and you realize it’s high time you focused on your financial health – finally!

The Progression of Financial Planning Through Every Decade of Your Life

Your career and lifestyle look completely different when you’re in your 20s compared to when you’re in your 60s – your financial focus and planning in each decade should follow suit. I’ve highlighted three financial tactics to focus on in each decade of your life starting with your 20s.

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